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Industrial Dust Collector Parts That Will Improve Performance

Industrial Dust CollectorAs a plant manager, you understand the importance of keeping all systems and machinery running efficiently with little to no interruptions. Downtime is not an option, as it leads to lost revenue.

While industrial dust collectors are known for providing manufacturing environments cleaner air — which can provide numerous benefits — there are ways to make them perform even better.

In this blog, you’ll learn the industrial dust collector parts that will improve performance and extend the life of your collector.

Industrial Dust Collector Filters

Industrial dust collector filters are key to the performance of a dust collection system, and it’s important to know the different methods used to clean filters and when they should be replaced. Using the wrong filter type can result in an inefficient dust collector.


Using the right filter matters, and the first step in determining which filter type you should be using comes down to the application you’re using it for.

Filter Media

When comparing industrial dust collector filters, you’ll come across Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, commonly known as MERV. Filter efficiency is tested through six measured dust loads on particulate in the size range of .3 to 10 microns. The higher the MERV rating, the more effective the filter is at trapping sub-micron particulate. Lower-quality filters, in the 1-4 MERV range, are typically made of fiberglass.

Most residential HVAC systems will use air filters with MERV ratings from 7-12. A higher MERV filter rating of 12-16 would be recommended for commercial buildings and industrial needs. Learn more about MERV and why it’s important in this blog.

Industrial Dust Collector Filter Change-Outs

From simple observations to reading a gauge, many different methods can be used to determine when dust collector filters should be replaced, and it will become apparent when the time is right to make a change. When it is time to purchase replacement filters, OEM replacement filters last significantly longer than the aftermarket options available.

Industrial Dust Control Fans

The blower or fan that makes a dust collector operate can be a variety of types. Industrial dust control fans are designed to be installed in a dust collection system to capture and control dust, smoke and fume. Some of the fans or blowers work better than others on certain applications.


There are many options to consider when choosing a fan for your new dust collection system. The most commonly used fans in dust collectors are the Radial blade fan, the BI (backward inclined) fan, the BC (backward curved) fan and the airfoil fan. Each fan wheel has its own characteristics and performance limitations. 

For example, in systems with a lot of duct work, it is important that your fan has enough power to overcome the static pressure that is created. Failure to do so could result in insufficient airflow.

If you have a dirty air stream, backward inclined fans will not handle the particulate well. In this situation, it would be better to use a radial blade fan. Radial blade fans will handle higher levels static pressure. Therefore, selecting the right fan will relate to the overall performance of your dust collector. 

Variable Frequency Drives

Variable frequency drives (VFDs) are the smart choice for every industrial dust collector machine as they regulate the air that flows through the fan to help the current draw — making the dust collector more efficient. This is accomplished by changing the motor frequency (speed) to regulate airflow as needed.

Variable Frequency Driver

With VFDs installed, electrical costs will be reduced due to the lower amp draw at startup, as well as the ability to reduce the speed of the fan according to filter conditions and changes in process or CFM requirements.

Solenoid Heater Kit

The cleaning system on a pulse-type dust collector relies on compressed air. Compressed air often contains small amounts of moisture. When cold weather settles in, the combination of cold metal and moisture creates a problem for your pulse clean solenoids.

Solenoid Heater Kit

Solenoid valves consist of a metal piston that moves up and down in a metal sheath. In cold weather, the moisture from the compressed air is enough to freeze the piston in the open position. Because of this, the diaphragm valve remains open. The result is that compressed air is continually dumped into the dust collector, with very little cleaning effect. This waste of compressed air can be very costly, in addition to adversely affecting the way your dust collector performs.

The use of a solenoid heater kit helps combat the freezing of your solenoid valves of outdoor installations. This kit will provide you with a thermostat and heater element to be installed in your solenoid enclosure. The thermostat will turn on the heater elements before the temperatures drop below freezing, thus preventing the solenoid valves from freezing open.

Trusted Industrial Dust Collector Parts

When it comes to optimizing dust collector system performance to increase efficiency and provide additional protection of your critical equipment, A.C.T. Dust Collectors has you covered. Our industrial dust collector parts are tested, approved and can improve performance and extend the life of your dust collector.

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