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3 Steps to Take When You Have an Immediate Dust Collection Need

3 Steps to Take When You Have an Immediate Dust Collection Need

  1. Ask for Advice: When a situation comes up and a dust collection system needs to be installed as soon as possible there are many things to consider.  Costs, types, and lead times become significant to getting the best results in an urgent situation.  Due to the pressing nature of the need, it is important to seek advice from a team with experience.  Likely they will ask the following questions:

1. What are the details of the application so the correct system is specified?
2. How long do we have to get this dust collection need resolved?
3. Has the cost been budgeted for the correct equipment vs. the cost of leaving employees/machinery at risk by leaving the situation?

With this information, the team will be able to provide a suggestion for what type of system needs to be installed.  Often this will be done in a quoting format so all considerations can be reviewed at the same time.

  1. Analyze Suggestions: When the results from the team are received, it is important to review it in detail.  Ask three questions:

    1.  Does the recommended equipment handle the immediate need conservatively, with possible room for growth?
    2.  Can we get the system installed fast enough to meet our requirements?
    3.  Have we achieved the best value of dust collector for the cost?

  2. Action the Plan: Once the suggestion has been analyzed and the three questions above can be given a confident “Yes”, it is time to action the plan. 

At A.C.T. Dust Collectors, we have staff with extensive experience and knowledge to help choose the best unit for applications.  With a wide variety of in stock units, that could ship within five days of ordering, we can respond to your need.  Click here to request a list of units currently available and in stock.

Contact us:  (763) 557-7162 |

Cost Analysis Guide | V1