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Power Transformers Manufacturer Overcomes Sandblasting Challenges

Blasting: A company that specializes in the redesign & remanufacture of power transformers...

Jordan Transformer, located in Jordan, Minnesota specializes in the redesign and remanufacture of power transformers with ratings up to 200 MVA and voltages of up to 230 kV. The company was shipping out the transformers for off-site sandblasting which was becoming very expensive and resulting in longer turnaround times for their customers. A change was required to improve the system.

The decision was made to set up a 30’ wide x 20’ tall x 56’ long blast booth and bring the sandblasting process in-house. This, of course, meant a dust collection system was needed. A.C.T. recommended a model 4-64 dust collector rated for 30,000 cfm with a Twin City Fan 75 HP BCS365 fan. The major complication with this project was the tight space constraints. Jordan Transformer considered quotes from multiple vendors and then decided to purchase the ACT system, which A.C.T. engineered to fit into their compact space. Note the photo on the right, showing the narrow aisle way where the dust collector is installed.

The customer has been very happy with the results.

ACT Dust Collectors are installed all over North America in many applications. Our experts have the knowledge and skills required to help you resolve the dust problem at your facility the quickest and efficient way. Contact Us Today!

Weld Smoke Case Study | V3