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Standing Fume Arm

With high air flow and low pressure drop the ACT ARM is perfect in medium to heavy duty welding fume and welding dust applications. The ACT ARM by ACT Dust Collectors enable you to capture and extract contaminant fumes at source.  The extraction arms are available in three lengths to best suit your workstation needs. Our self- supporting fume extraction arm tubes are fabricated of galvanized steel with external joints which are fully adjustable to the workers desired tension. The ACT ARM has extraordinary suction power achieving 800-1000CFM per fume arm.  The arms include a grab handle which completely encircles the hood in order to facilitate easy repositioning from all sides. Inside the hood, is an air diverter that broadens the intake of dirty air at the capture spot. The hanging arm can be ducted into an ACT Dust Collector and suspended by a robust wall or ceiling bracket, which allows the product to rotate 360 degrees.


Industrial strength & durability
Smooth tube construction
Galvanized steel tubes
External joints and supports
Hood and tube grab handles
Air diverter in the hood 
Standard damper
Joint hose rated at 200°
Powder coated finish 
Easy to adjust and maintain
Simple and stable positioning 
Free and smooth airflow
Minimal dust build up
Lower static pressure
Low noise level

 Standing Fume Arm - Details